2008年12月26日 星期五
我不是 I am not
我不是基督 (v.20) ,唯獨耶穌才是!我給他解鞋帶也不配(v.27)
我不是什麽先知 (v.21),不要什麽頭銜,只要作信徒的好弟兄、好同伴
我只是聲音 (v23) , 是短暫的,一出就消失;只為了介紹真光(v.7-8)
2008年12月25日 星期四
The Myth of "Christ-Mass"
「聖誕節」純屬神話,是羅馬教假借基督教編出來的神話。首先,基督根本不是在十二曰25日誕生,第二, "Christmas" 的字義是「基督的彌撒」,而「彌撒」是天主教發明的一種教儀,根本不是來自聖經。在此只要説明基督並非12月25日誕生。
1)Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem to register in a Roman census (Luke 2:1-4). The authorities were not so stupid as to conduct a census in winter, when near-freezing temperatures would make it impossible.
God in His infinite wisdom, omitted the actual date of Christ's birth, for in the minds of true Christians, Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, the Everlasting Father, the Creator of the universe. Though He was a "Son", born unto us, He is without "beginning of days" or "end of life" (Heb 7:3); though born a babe in Bethlehem, His "goings forth are from of old, from everlasting" (Mic 5:2). And yes, no presumtuous astrologer can attach a zodiac sign to an birthdate.
2008年12月24日 星期三
Schizophrenia 經神分裂症
In the initial period of Harris' illness, he struggled with religious loyalties. He asked within himself: "Mum, if I were to accept Jesus as real and take Him into my heart as Lord, would I have condemned you to Hell?" Immediately, 19-year-old "B" from Taiwan came to mind. Two years ago, he was torn between true Christian doctrine and the teachings of the Latter Day Saints, and suffered a few mental breakdowns. Doctors barred him from all religious activities. Now he seems to have recovered, but baptised a Mormon. Nevertheless his inquisitve mind found opportunity to ask me some questions when I met him 4 months ago. He genuinely wanted answers - as a perfectionist and one always impatient to get to the bottom of things. As he agonised over the answers, he suddenly asked: "我是不是想太多?我多麽希望能像其他同年齡的孩子,不必為這些事煩惱”。But he has now learnt to relax, and let go. But this means taking the path of least resistance. This means remaining status quo. We still chat occassionally on msn. Once he said, "How I wish you are Mormon". I replied,"How I wish you are TJC".
We catch a glimpse of similar sentiment in Harris' book: "The belief systems of the world were strange, chaotic and dark. They lead to inherent conflicts and disagreement. Again, I knew I was a kind of a prefectionist to have said that. I wanted to reconcile all the different beliefs and to cast conflicts and bloodshed into the oceans. I wished for a peaceful, perfect world where there were no tears. Somehow I knew this could not come about here on Earth, the world would battle and fight. There was sadness sown deep in my eyes. It was a heavy burden laden upon my shoulders. I pondered over the clash of civilisations. Although my two colleagues were working together, they never shared the same perception in life. They eat at different tables, one would fear the presence of pork in the menu and the other would feel an extreme discomfort if he saw anyone consuming beef. The world itself is schizophrenic... "
Recently, I was led to a one-room flat in Toa Payoh, where Alfred lives. A bachelor in his 50s, he thinks he is seriosly ill, drinks only distilled water, feeds his scrawny body with a special diet. He said God is keeping him alive to torture him. He called this "predestination". Sounds like Harris, who asked:"Am I predestined to be a mental case, to go through all the sufferrings?" How Satan uses biblical concepts to confuse and deceive!
When I read of Harris' recovery even after 4 breakdowns due to default in medication, I wished that M would quickly do something for her daughter who sunk into mental illness, shutting herself in her room, refusing to eat. She was on the road to recovery under the treatment of IMH, but the doctor warned that should she default on her medication, she would need to be dependant on medication for life once a relapse happens. She stopped her medication for about 2 months. Then she had a relapse...
2008年12月20日 星期六
The Beach Boys
Walter, almost seventy, used to work as a singer. He was baptised last month - a pleasant surprise to me, for I remember him having some doubts about a year ago when I came back for term break. Now he seems determined to stick to his new-found faith.
I heard about Xxng's demise when I was still in Taiwan - another surprise, for the quiet, honest looking, fifty-something bachelor who spoke Cantonese, had died of AIDS. I was told yesterday, that he was dragged by his frends to patronise a whorehouse for the first time when he received his CPF money about 3 years ago. Good for him that before the HIV dealt a fatal blow, he had stumbled into the fold of the One who forgave prostitutes. I'd like to teach him to sing: "Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all my sin". Who knows, perhaps he's already prefected the pitch under the tutorage of some angel.
Then there's Axxxxx, who rejoices that he doesn't have to continue to live in regret. Though some mistake in his personal history resulted in his estrangement from his family, now he is never really alone, whether in his one-room flat or out cycling on his bike. Constantly keeping him company is his long list of prayers and scriptures memorised and meditated upon over the recent years. He can stand on the this side of sanity and talk about others - in this neighbourhood of old folks - who have yet to find solace in the Saviour.
My heart rests with the comfortable assurance that GOD IS LOVE.
2008年12月19日 星期五
2008年12月17日 星期三
"St Lazarus, pray for us"
學生們回來後一陣子,我走出房門跟他們聊天,看到其中一位,胸上有一張貼紙,把它撕下來看,原來圖案是一個拿拐杖f的人,上方有英文字:“ST. LAZARUS PRAY FOR US”。他們說是附近天主教堂迎接“Christmas” 的方式,就是看到人就貼上這sticker, 還有喝酒賭博呢!
2008年12月16日 星期二
2008年12月15日 星期一
2008年12月13日 星期六
之前簽證都是透過旅行社辦,去了10幾次,從來沒問題,這回第一次自己到大使館去申請,卻一直碰釘子,不知何故,就是問東問西,去了三次,重新填了6次的表格,連tourist visa 也不批下!
「先生,你的櫃檯顯示CLOSED FOR LUNCH,我也需要去lunch appointment,可不可以先去吃飯再回來等?」
兩天後再去,。。。又等呀等呀。。。到3點多也不敢離開。之後,同樣那位仁兄還怪說我跑掉,讓他找不到我。事實上,我一步也沒離開過!Good heavens, what is happening?
星期一將再申請 visa 去緬甸,希望一切順利,19日能再去,我計劃一次逗留3個月。
Anyhow, 等待是我的功課,幾學分是未知數。
2008年11月4日 星期二
以前很想養咸水魚,因爲顔色鮮豔美麗,但5年前開始潛水後就打消了念頭。Why? 因爲養魚者是在魚缸外賞魚,而潛水員猶如進入大魚缸内觀賞,甚至與魚兒互動。更重要,看到海族在遼闊的海中自由自在,覺得這才是值得欣賞的生態。 幾週前,買了寄居蟹回來,送給5嵗的崇真當寵物,也沒有想太多,但後來卻有點心虛,就自我安慰,說:「寄居蟹本來就自我限制,生活的範圍就是所寄居的殼子裡,所以養在玻璃缸裡不算約束牠的自由」。其實那時心中很清楚,在大自然與在魚缸裡是大有差別的。
明天得為蟹兄找個較大的貝殼家,但我心裡更堅定地認爲,活在大自然裡的動物 ,才是真正活潑可愛,就像生長在野地的花,比插在花瓶裡的更加燦爛。委屈你了,蟹大哥!
2008年10月28日 星期二
2008年10月22日 星期三
你看起來有輕微的學習障礙,但你卻很聰明,聼你母親形容,不懂得醫學的我只能猜是輕微的自閉症。我是在一次隨著教會的訪問組到淡水河對岸的八里鄉,去你家裡探訪你生病的母親,無意中遇見你。只那麽一次,當時你還皺著眉頭,不愛與我們交談,我也沒有做什麽,只是鼓勵你做一些有用的事,做個讓別人喜歡的人。誰知離開後,你就一直設法找我,真的 track me down,我在復興鄉第一次接到你打去教會找我,真的很驚訝,後來你還打到別人的手機、別人的家、淡水教會,甚至有辦法向執事要了我的手機號碼,幾次淩晨1-2點也打來。
2008年10月19日 星期日
2008年10月3日 星期五
2008年9月28日 星期日
The Potter and the Clay
My mind couldn't help but flash back to the time when I was exploring pottery, keen to understand experientially the words of Isaiah (64:8):
ועתה יהוה אבינו אתה אנחנו החמר ואתה יצרנו ומעשׂה ידך כלנו׃
But now, O LORD, Thou art our Father; we are the clay, and Thou our potter, and we all are the work of Thy hand.
Working with clay is not at all easy! It's messy and oftentimes, risky and therefore frustrating. That's when the piece doesn't turn out the way you want. But you go back to the wheel again, hoping afresh, as you watch the clay take form between your coaxing fingers. Sometimes you go along with the unintended effects, compromising your design , and get pleasant surprises.
God did not simply command man into existence, but lovingly fashioned him according to His design. Even now He shapes and moulds us, sometimes going along with our stubborn ways, allowing mistakes (not His doing but ours). Nonetheless, He always coaxes us back into form, working around our flaws ever so skillfully and patiently. Indeed we are His workmanship, His masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made (Eph 2:10; Ps 139:14).
2008年9月16日 星期二
2008年9月1日 星期一
2008年8月24日 星期日
2008年7月30日 星期三
The focus was pastoral, but for me, suicide had been enemy to evangelism. And the cases were not recent at all ! More than two decades ago!
First, my classmate stopped coming to church when his sister killed herself. H-n S-ng had been a regular for many months. Even his mum came for a few weeks and stopped burning incense to her idols. The sister's suicide was dramatic: She overdosed herself with sleeping pills but nothing happened. Then she cut her wrists. Still she didn't die. Then she threw herself down 9 floors to her death.
Then there was R-nn-e, a bright straight A's student. He came to church once or twice. We talked very now and then on religion. Then one Monday, our principal announced his demise over the school PA system. He hung himself on Sunday. Someone told me they found a book titled "101 ways to commit suicide". We were teenagers, barely 16. His story was frontpage news.
Suicide tendencies... To those passionate about soul-saving, indeed it's both an opportunity and a threat.
2008年7月28日 星期一