我不是基督 (v.20) ,唯獨耶穌才是!我給他解鞋帶也不配(v.27)
我不是什麽先知 (v.21),不要什麽頭銜,只要作信徒的好弟兄、好同伴
我只是聲音 (v23) , 是短暫的,一出就消失;只為了介紹真光(v.7-8)
Recently, I was led to a one-room flat in Toa Payoh, where Alfred lives. A bachelor in his 50s, he thinks he is seriosly ill, drinks only distilled water, feeds his scrawny body with a special diet. He said God is keeping him alive to torture him. He called this "predestination". Sounds like Harris, who asked:"Am I predestined to be a mental case, to go through all the sufferrings?" How Satan uses biblical concepts to confuse and deceive!
When I read of Harris' recovery even after 4 breakdowns due to default in medication, I wished that M would quickly do something for her daughter who sunk into mental illness, shutting herself in her room, refusing to eat. She was on the road to recovery under the treatment of IMH, but the doctor warned that should she default on her medication, she would need to be dependant on medication for life once a relapse happens. She stopped her medication for about 2 months. Then she had a relapse...
ועתה יהוה אבינו אתה אנחנו החמר ואתה יצרנו ומעשׂה ידך כלנו׃
But now, O LORD, Thou art our Father; we are the clay, and Thou our potter, and we all are the work of Thy hand.
Working with clay is not at all easy! It's messy and oftentimes, risky and therefore frustrating. That's when the piece doesn't turn out the way you want. But you go back to the wheel again, hoping afresh, as you watch the clay take form between your coaxing fingers. Sometimes you go along with the unintended effects, compromising your design , and get pleasant surprises.God did not simply command man into existence, but lovingly fashioned him according to His design. Even now He shapes and moulds us, sometimes going along with our stubborn ways, allowing mistakes (not His doing but ours). Nonetheless, He always coaxes us back into form, working around our flaws ever so skillfully and patiently. Indeed we are His workmanship, His masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made (Eph 2:10; Ps 139:14).