2008年9月28日 星期日

The Potter and the Clay

Yesterday, a brother passed me a portfolio of artists on the north coast of Taiwan (北海岸藝術家), mainly working with glass, stone and clay, including himself, a potter.

My mind couldn't help but flash back to the time when I was exploring pottery, keen to understand experientially the words of Isaiah (64:8):

ועתה יהוה אבינו אתה אנחנו החמר ואתה יצרנו ומעשׂה ידך כלנו׃

But now, O LORD, Thou art our Father; we are the clay, and Thou our potter, and we all are the work of Thy hand.


Working with clay is not at all easy! It's messy and oftentimes, risky and therefore frustrating. That's when the piece doesn't turn out the way you want. But you go back to the wheel again, hoping afresh, as you watch the clay take form between your coaxing fingers. Sometimes you go along with the unintended effects, compromising your design , and get pleasant surprises.

God did not simply command man into existence, but lovingly fashioned him according to His design. Even now He shapes and moulds us, sometimes going along with our stubborn ways, allowing mistakes (not His doing but ours). Nonetheless, He always coaxes us back into form, working around our flaws ever so skillfully and patiently. Indeed we are His workmanship, His masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made (Eph 2:10; Ps 139:14).

2008年9月16日 星期二


最近認識了一對半退休的夫婦,先生滿腔熱誠,想到什麽就做什麽,太太很柔和,相當細心,one is candid, the other, calculated。不久前,先生向人家要了百多棵杜鵑花,想把它們栽在教堂的花園裡,也叫了幾個好友來幫忙。









如果花兒會說話,不知會發出什麽心聲?花的美,到底在於它天然、純樸、單獨的美,還是需要整體花園的設計和其他花草的搭配?Is beauty in the eye of the beholder, or is it intrinsic beauty that matters, regardless of anything else? 或者野地的花,才是最漂亮?


2008年9月1日 星期一


