What irks me is that while the world worships at the shrine of the golden calf, those belonging to the camp of the redeemed seem all too ready to melt their ornaments and join in the orgy. I have received email greetings with bovine blessings, and more ridiculously, with prosperity promised by the Chinese Santa alias Cai Shen Ye. Without hesitation I replied with "no thanks".
It's too late to dream now for fat cows, when we have already entered the Year of the Lean Cow. Hopefully it will not be followed by six more. Thankfully, in Singapore, we had a (sacred?)cow fattened over the years through the wisdom our our country's leaders.
My main point is this: Talking about bulls and cows, just to tie in with the horoscope is totally meaningless. Especially on church pulpits. Even the biblically favourable ox does not necessarily augur well for the year ahead, so what more about the snake, or the rat.
So, 拜托,不要在講台上X年談X!!!
7 則留言:
But Beef is nice :)
That's why i don't feel right and comfortable attending our annualised "special service"...
Sermon topic that tie in with the horoscope. We are starting to have horoscope sermon? Wow..... Stronger than here ... here only has powerpoint with "Christ" pictures... :P
nifty: A special CNY service perfectly ok, just like a thanksgiving service on 1 Jan. God ordained the sun and moon to mark years and seasons (Gen 1:14), so new year's day based on either the solar and lunar calendar is biblically sound.
摸索:I was referring more to ROC.
As for e-cards, it's here.
Actually has this fear of using bulls and cows become another form of superstition by itself?
Sometimes it’s best not to over complicate such trivial matters. I do not think its worth that much limelight. It is not as if the bible has never used animals to illustrate a point in the bible.
Actually I feel that this fear of using bulls and cows may become yet another form of superstition
Sometimes it’s best not to over complicate such trivial matters. I do not think its worth that much limelight. It is not as if the bible has never used animals to illustrate a point in the bible. IE: Go to the ant! ;)
You've missed the point. I'm not averse to using animals as analogy. I'm not in favour of targeting specific animals according to the Chinese horoscope.